Mother Nature Is The True Artist

“Great chefs have three things in common. One, they accept and respect that Mother Nature is the true artist, and they are the cook. Two, everything they do becomes an extension of them as a person. And three, they give you insight into the world they were born into, the world which inspired them and they serve it on their plates”

  • Marco Pierre White

This is one of my favorite quotes. I am not a professional chef by any means but the line where he says great chefs “…accept and respect that Mother Nature is the true artist”, I feel that can be applied to any art form. Mother Nature has no ego like humans and her creativity is unmatched. The sounds of waves crashing are greater than any written song. The landscapes from the mountains to the valleys that she created can never be re created by humans. We are out matched by Mother Nature.

No human can take such complexity and chaos and turn it into something humans perceive as beautiful than Mother Nature. So I accept and respect that Mother Nature is the true artist. Once knowing that, I know that there’s no such thing as competition when it comes to making our art. Sure you can say this person is more successful or I’m better than so and so but at the end of the day, Mother Nature is the greatest artist we know.

This was so freeing for me to create what I want to create and know that I can draw inspiration from Mother Nature. She helps me realize that I can express myself without fear of being judged. No matter what, I will probably have some form of my ego incorporating into my art but the more I let go of my ego and just create for art’s sake, then I feel closer to Mother Nature.

Spending time in the woods, in the ocean or in the desert have helped me so much in life. If you ever been to the Grand Canyon, you can’t capture it in a photo, it’s just something you have to see with your own eyes because the mind can’t comprehend it’s vastness. Mother Nature is showing us the greatness and beauty of living on Earth and we are ever so lucky to create along side her.

So next time you may feel like you’re not succeeding or don’t feel as talented of an artist, look to Mother Nature for inspiration and realize that our egos will only get in the way of us expressing our true selves. There is no real competition because we can never be better than Mother Nature. So just make art that you want to make.


ABC - Always Be Creating


Don’t Stop