Show, Don’t Tell

The holidays can be tough. You may of had to visit back home and spend most days explaining to family members and old acquaintances about how your little art career is going. You may had to sit and listen to everyone’s advice on how to get a real job when you fail or warning you not to quit your current job.

I’m not speaking from experience or am I?

As 2023 comes to an end, we start to make resolutions and plan out our artistic goals. If there’s one thing I’d like you to take into 2024, it is to “Show, Don’t Tell”

In this day and age, we have the tendency to share everything online. Share the things we are going to do. Share our ideas. Share Share Share so we stay relevant in people’s minds. We don’t want anyone to believe that we’ve given up the art life.

The problem I’ve noticed is that people share with me the things they are going to do but never do it. I’ve done this as well and have noticed the dopamine hit I get from sharing my ideas. Then I forget to actually do the idea because I got the reward of dopamine from telling it.

So for 2024, before you tell someone your ideas, keep it to yourself. Then work on that idea until it is complete. One it’s complete, show it to the World. Show your work, not your ideas. Share your Art!

Read: 5 Principals to work on your art everyday

I wish the best for you in 2024. I won’t tell you what I have planned, you’re just going have to wait and see!



Less Is More


Great works aren’t finished, They’re abandoned